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The Band

Dimitar "Master" Nikolov

Vocals and Wild Dance Dept

Yaroslav "Yaro" Deineka

Energy and Guitars Dept

Preslav Dimitrov

Energy and Guitars Dept

Georgi "Panda" Dimitrov

Bass and Groove Dept

Ivo "Gorivo" Zhivkov

Powerplant and Drums Dept

Who We Are

Our Story

Formed in the heart of Burgas, Bulgaria, HELLBØUND emerges as a formidable force in the metal music scene. Initially brought to life by school friends Presley and Kifsuna, the band was conceived out of a desire to make some noise, master the art of playing loud, and channel boundless energy to the world. They quickly made their mark with their first few performances, notably at the non-official young groups festival ROYAKA.

It wasn’t long before Yaro joined the ensemble, bringing his dynamic skills on the drums, and Master stepped in to handle the second guitar and vocal duties. This lineup catalyzed the band’s growth, leading to several successful shows and local festival appearances. The turning point came when Ivo joined HELLBØUND, taking over the drums and allowing Yaro to return to his primary passion for guitars.

On the 10th of July 2024, a new bassist “Panda” has joined the band, marking a new chapter in HELLBØUND history with concerts in Burgas, Plovdiv and upcoming concerts in Sofia.

Today, HELLBØUND is a quintet that stands out for its powerful performances. The band has already released their first single, “АМОРТИЗАЦИЯ” on 12th of July in all streaming platforms, and the members are currently pouring their passion and talent into the creation of their first album. With each chord and every beat, HELLBØUND continues to captivate audiences, promising a future filled with intense melodies and unforgettable shows. Join us on this journey as we unleash our sound and spirit upon the world.

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